
Agility Builds Confidence in Your Dog

Agility Builds Confidence in Your DogIs your dog timid around people or other dogs?  Is your dog sensitive to sounds?  Agility

A timid or shy dog can only learn inside their comfort zone.  So, training must begin where they feel safe and behaviors must be taught in very small increments. Home will probably be the best place to train and have learning take place for your dog.

So, how do you train at home?  You will need guidelines and equipment. There is a multitude of websites that can give you information on agility training.  There are also books and videos that will give details and visual aids and lesson plans for beginners thru expert levels.  

Aggression When Another Dog Invades Her Space

Dear Adam,
Aggression When Another Dog Invades Her Space

Hi, I have a 3 year-old Australian Cattle Dog. She is a wonderfully obedient dog, canine good citizen certified and everything. She is very obedient and good natured to people, however she is very dominant when it comes to other dogs. Recently I have been having problems with her snapping at other dogs if they come up to her while she is on a leash. This is not a problem if I tell her to sit and the other dog stays a normal distance away. She doesn't like dogs invading her space and standing over her (she is only 35 pounds, so most dogs tower over her). I call it her "Napoleon Complex". I tried to work on the problem by putting a muzzle on her and setting up situations so I can correct her, but she realizes that she is in no position to show the other dog who is boss while muzzled and refrains. We have recently started therapy dog training classes, which she is doing very well in.

Advice To Using Positive Reinforcement And Rewards To Train Your Dog

Advice To Using Positive Reinforcement And Rewards To Train Your DogTraining dogs using positive reinforcement and reward training has long been recognized as both highly effective for the owner and a positive experience for the dog.  Positive
Proponents of positive reinforcement swear by the effectiveness of their techniques, and it is true that the vast majority of dogs respond well to these training methods.
One reason that positive reinforcement training is so effective is that is uses rewards to teach the dog what is expected of it.  When the dog performs the desired behavior, he is provided with a reward, most often in the form of a food treat, but it could be a scratch behind the ears, a rub under the chin or a pat on the head as well.  The important thing is that the dog is rewarded consistently for doing the right thing.
Reward training has become increasingly popular in recent years, but chances are some sort of reward training between humans and dogs has been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years.

Advanced Dog Training Points For Conditioning Your Dog

Akeisha wrote to me with some very good questions. I've included her letter (and my responses) below:  Hi,  It's Akeisha again.  I do see what you mean if it is on all the time the dog will soon forget it is on and then will behave regardless. Ok, so the dog never wears a buckle collar again? This is what irks me. I want to be able to control the dog regardless of what collar is on not just the pinch or it could be no collar at all and the dog still behaves. What if the owner for some reason takes off the collar then they put the buckle collar on for ID but then forget the pinch collar? Then there is no control.  [Adam Replies] WRONG! The dog gets conditioned. Take off the collar for awhile. Doesn't matter.  Do you ever in the training go back to the buckle collar after months of what you recommend with a dog that is happy with doing the commands?  [Adam Replies] Yes, the dog does the command because he is happy and he likes it. But eventually, there will be something that tempts him. This is where conditioning comes in.  Think of it like this: You've lived in the same house for 10 years, right? You get up in the middle of the night and you reach for the light switch that is to the LEFT of the door. Pretty soon, you get conditioned to reach out to the LEFT of the door.  One day you travel and stay in a hotel. You wake up in the middle of the night and reach out to the LEFT of the door for the switch... even though you cognitively saw that the switch is on the RIGHT.  In fact, you may wake up for several nights-- perhaps even weeks or months-- and still reach out to the LEFT, even though the switch is now on the right. Some people will continue reaching to the LEFT for the rest of their lives. Some will begin reaching to the right.  Those people need to be reinforced. Get it?  Motivational corrections if on the right dog won't frighten them or make them hate you I know but aren't there other ways except using the collar that will eventually be established thought training that will allow you to take the collar off and have control?  [Adam Replies] Yeah, this way you can take the collar off and have control, ONCE THE DOG IS CONDITIONED. But eventually you'll have to go back and reinforce, for most dogs. And definitely if you start expecting to work the dog around new distractions that it's never been proofed around, such as chickens if the dog has never seen chickens.  Look, I don't make the rules. The dog is not a robot that you can suddenly say, "He's done" and expect him to act consistently for the rest of his life. Like any relationship you have with another person, boundaries need to be established and maintained. The dog is like your wife or husband... they will eventually test you. :)  Last question, how can the dog not realize the don't have it on since it feels a lot different than the buckle? Its like my id around my neck at school I have gotten used to it but I do realize when it is off? Just for the record I have no problem with pinches, many members in my 4-H club use them and they work great on the right dog.  [Adam Replies] Because the way you should be using the pinch collar is that the dog (since he has limited reason and logic) does not KNOW that it is the pinch collar that allows you to give him good corrections. But it's more than the pinch collar. If I put the dog in a number of small yards, with no collar on ... and I'm able to chase him down and make him come back to me, if he doesn't come when I call... then the dog will learn THE UNDERLYING PREMISE that I can make him do it, if he doesn't. So, the pinch collar and the long line make my job easier, but ultimately, the dog knows (or he thinks at least) that I am a man of my word and when I tell him to do something: If he doesn't do it, I'm going to make him do it. And his life will be a lot more fun if he does it willingly. So the dog starts to extrapolate this principle to other commands, too.  Hope I am not being irritating I just like to know why certain trainers value certain methods over others since I love competing in obedience with my dog.  [Adam Replies] Keep training.  That's all for now, folks! Adam
Akeisha wrote to me with some very good questions. I've included her letter (and my responses) below:


It's Akeisha again.

I do see what you mean if it is on all the time the dog will soon forget it is on and then will behave regardless. Ok, so the dog never wears a buckle collar again? This is what irks me. I want to be able to control the dog regardless of what collar is on not just the pinch or it could be no collar at all and the dog still behaves. What if the owner for some reason takes off the collar then they put the buckle collar on for ID but then forget the pinch collar? Then there is no control.

[Adam Replies] WRONG! The dog gets conditioned. Take off the collar for awhile. Doesn't matter.

Adopting A Protection Dog

Adopting A Protection Dog
My good friend who is a dog trainer offered me his 5 year old Belgian Malinois for adoption. He is trained as a protection dog so he can guard his master, bite on command, release the bite on command, stay until released and others. He has a trophy as third placer in Level 1 protection in a protection dog competition. I have two dogs at present: A one year-old and a nine month-old Labrador... both are females, obedience trained and not neutered.

I would like to adopt him and I know I can take care of him. Will he accept me after being my friend's favorite dog for 5 years? My friend assured me that he can transfer the loyalty of the dog to me. He is a fierce dog when in competition but a very quiet dog when outside the training ring. In fact my friend brings the dog with him all the time and I know of several occasions that the dog is off leash. He is giving him up because he wants to replace him with a younger dog.

Adopting A Dog – Puppy Or Adult?

Adopting A Dog – Puppy Or Adult?
Everyone is surely going to get excited when trying to adopt a dog. Truly a man’s best friend, you can rely on your pet dog in giving you company, cuddling up together and some can even guard your house. You need to review your personal lifestyle and needs when adopting a dog. It is a major decision whether or not you would choose to have a puppy or an adult as a pet. Before deciding on which dog to adopt, here is some useful information that might help you decide.

On Puppies

* Bringing up a puppy is an advantage because this means that you would guide its growth and well being. You would have the chance to raise it up according to what you want. This means you can ensure that it is properly nurtured with the right dog food, ensure that necessary dog shots are given and prevent heartworm at this early stage. Having your puppy personally trained is also a plus since you can teach him exactly what you want.

Adopting A Dog

Adopting A Dog
If you have been thinking of getting a new dog, have you considered all the options available to you? The obvious choice people make, when considering a new dog is to go to a specialized dog breeder. A good dog breeder will be able to sell you a puppy that has been checked for genetic problems, diseases etc and will very often provide you with a high quality pedigree dog that should be free from problems that plague a lot of dogs.

This is ideal for a lot of people but of course will come at a price. There is an alternative - adopting a puppy or adult dog.

There are lots of dogs that are without homes at animal shelters or humane societies. These animals are often a victim of circumstance. Either an owner has died, or an elderly person cannot cope any more. Sadly through no fault of their own, they have ended up homeless. Adopting a dog, may be a great way to offer a loving home to one of these dogs.

The History Of Tattoos

The History Of Tattoos
Tattoos have a rich history of tradition, dating back thousands and thousands of years.  Throughout the course of time, there has always been an important role of tradition and ritual behind tattoos.  In the past, women in Borneo used tattoos as a way to mark their skills.  Tattoos were also used in the past as a way to ward away illnesses and disease by placing the tattoo around the fingers and on the wrist.  Throughout history, tattoos have also been used to symbolize a clan or society as well.

The purpose of tattoos has differed from culture to culture throughout the course of time.  Research has shown that the earliest tattoos come from Egypt during the time of the pyramids, although most believe they started much earlier.  Egyptians at this time were believed to use tattoos as a way to mark the slaves and the peasants.  Around 2,000 BC, tattoos spread to China and then on to Greece, where the Greeks used tattoos as a way to communicate among spies.

Temporary Tattoos

Temporary TattoosThis day and age, more and more people are deciding to get permanent tattoos, leaving their mark of choice on their skin.  If the tattoo is applied by an experienced artist, the risk

Years ago, temporary tattoos were found in quarter machines, bubble gum wrappers, and even toy sections of the local store.  Children loved to get these temporary tattoos, as they presented a way for children to have a tattoo - one that was completely safe and would wash off.  Now days, even adults are beginning to think that this is the right idea.  The temporary tattoos of today are no longer just for children, as most last a long time - making them perfect for adults.

The Costs Of Tattoos

The Costs Of TattoosOnce you have made the decision to get a tattoo, you’ll find yourself facing a very important

The cost of a tattoo is the most common question people ponder before they get a tattoo. Although they can be very expensive, they are still within your reach.  Most people who know they are getting a tattoo will save their money up.  Even though you may have an average job and don’t make a lot of money, a tattoo can still be well within your reach if you save your money up for a few months.  This way, you’ll have more than enough to spare when you finally get the tattoo you have been saving up for.

Tattoo Removal Options

Tattoo Removal OptionsThe removal of a tattoo is often thought of as being a very painful process.  Although the
Both surgeries used light energy to destroy the ink in the tattoo.  The ink in the tattoo will absorb the energy of the light, breaking it up.  Once the ink starts to break up, it can easily be passed through and out of your body through filtering.  In most cases this is extremely safe, as the ink is broken down into micro size to where it can easily pass through the body with no complications.

Physiology And Tattoos

Physiology And TattoosIn today’s society a lot of people tend to misjudge tattoos.  A lot of people who see someone

Most who decide to look into the psychology of those with tattoos seem to associate them as criminals and study them like they are common rats in the cage.  Contrary to this opinion that many experts have, those who have tattoos aren’t in any type of cage.  Instead, they are out there expressing their freedom.  Whether they are going by what they believe, showing that they belong to a certain group or clan, or paying homage to the dearly departed – there are always meanings behind tattoos.

The psychologist who studies those with tattoos will normally try to get into their frame of mind, which is hard to do.  For hundreds of years tattoos have always been a question from a psychological standpoint, with most people associating tattoos in the past with criminals.  Even though criminals may have tattoos, there are just as many if not more people out there who are some of the friendliest people in the world who have them as well.

Innovative Tribal Designs

Innovative Tribal DesignsIn the world of tattoo designs there are thousands of potential tattoos to choose from.  Each

The one thing that sticks out with tribal tattoos is the innovation. Tribal tattoos feature unique artwork, with most being more or less solid black with no other colors.  Tribal can have several different meanings as well, as it all depends on the image that the artist is trying to bring to life.  Tribal can either be a design that the artist already had or the artist can take your feedback and do the entire tattoo freehand as he goes along.  Experienced tattoo artists can normally do great work freehand – as it gives you the ability to make changes as he goes along.

Information To Known Before Getting A Tattoo

Information To Known Before Getting A TattooBefore you decide to get a tattoo, you should always take a little bit of time to talk to your

The first thing you should find out is how long the parlor has been in business.  This will let you know just how professional the quality of tattoo work is and the overall reputation for the business.  If the tattoo parlor belongs to the Better Business Bureau you can always check their record and see if any complaints have been files about the business in the last few years.

You should also find out about his qualifications as well.  Experience is a must here, as infections and other diseases can easily be contracted if the equipment isn’t clean.  Tattoo artists deal with needles on a daily basis, making experience very important.  Finding out how much experience and qualifications a tattoo artists has will tell you quite a bit about what you can expect from them.

Lower Back Tattoos

Lower Back TattoosOn a woman’s body there are a few places that can be thought of as sensual.  Although this

Although women have several areas for tattoos, the lower back is one of the most erotic and sensual areas women can get tattooed.  Lower back tattoos are easy to cover up as well, which is great for those who aren’t allowed to have tattoos at work.  Unlike other areas of the body, the lower back is completely covered up by a shirt.  With the lower back – you only show the tattoo off when you want.

The ease to show or hide lower back tattoos has helped to increase popularity, as well as the desire, or sensuality.  When a woman tells someone, especially a man, that she has a lower back tattoo – the mind often wonders.  Lower back tattoos create a sensual and tantalizing appeal.  Normally, these tattoos are done around the waist line.  While part of it may be hidden by a women’s birthday suit – there may very well be a part of it showing as well.  For lovers, a lower back tattoo can be very sensual and sexual, a secret that is shared only between the two.

Tattoo Safety

Tattoo SafetyThe process of tattooing involves needles that move at very fast speeds to penetrate the

When getting a tattoo, most people fear getting the virus known as HIV, which can lead to the dreaded AIDS virus.  Although many fear HIV, it is just one of the many viruses that can result from tattoos.  Staph, syphilis, tuberculosis, and hepatitis are all but a few of the other diseases that can result from tattoos.  All it takes is a dirty or unsanitary needle and you could wind up contracting one of the deadly viruses listed above.

Just like other activities, tattooing can be very dangerous.  Although tattooing is indeed dangerous, there are ways that you can minimize or eliminate the potential dangers.  Each and everyday, tattoo artists have to adhere to a strict code of safety to ensure that the risk of contracting HIV or any other diseases is little to none.

Laser Tattoo Removal

Laser Tattoo RemovalResearch has shown that nearly half of those between the ages of 18 and 40 have a tattoo

Often times, the ink that is used during tattoos can lead to infection, simply because the type of ink being used isn’t regulation for tattoo parlors.  Clean equipment is also essential with tattoo parlors; otherwise someone can end up with hepatitis B, C, and various other infections. There are many serious diseases and other sicknesses that can occur if a tattoo parlor doesn’t keep their materials and parlor clean.

In the event of infection or if someone just doesn’t like their tattoo, there are ways to get them removed.  Skin grafting and dermabrasion are good examples of tattoo removal, although the most popular and most common these days is laser removal.  Laser removal is the fastest and by far the most preferred.  With this surgery, the laser being used will zap the metal ions that are found in the pigment of the tattoo, fracturing the ink into very small pieces that the body can easily dispose of.

Choosing Your Tattoo Parlor

Choosing Your Tattoo ParlorOnce you have made the decision to get a tattoo you’ll need to find a qualified tattoo parlor.

When you look for the best parlor you should always watch for those who have the best history with keeping their equipment clean.  Clean equipment and a clean studio is without a doubt the most important consideration when dealing with tattoos.  If the artist isn’t licensed or not a professional there will be little to no guarantee that the equipment is clean.  Health is a big concern with tattoos for most people, and for good reason.  If you are looking to get a tattoo you should always make sure that the artists are licensed, the parlor is clean – and the equipment is sanitized and cleaned after each and every tattoo.

Celtic Tattoos

Celtic TattoosCeltic history goes back thousands and thousands of years.  Early Celtic people were well

Over the years, modern Celtics evolved and established symbols for themselves along the way. Throughout North America, Celtic people often wear these symbols to let others know that they are a Celtic descent.  The symbols and knowledge have been passed down through the years, as there is little no written history.  Tattooing however, keeps the Celtic tradition alive with the infamous Celtic cross and other popular Celtic designs.

Caring For A New Tattoo

When you finally decide to get a tattoo, the first thing you’ll need to do is find a reputable

Good tattoo artists will also clean and apply antiseptic ointment to your tattoo as they create it.  Expert artists know that this helps keep the tattoo healthy.  Once the tattoo is finished, the artists will wipe it down, clean it off good, and apply another coat of antiseptic ointment.  Once the ointment has been applied, he will put a piece of soft tissue or cellophane over the tattoo.

Once the tattoo is finished, the artists should tell you how to take care of your new tattoo.  Some of the better artists will talk to you and give you a detailed sheet with all of the information you need.  If you went to a tattoo artist who didn’t explain this to you, you may be wondering just what you should do.  Taking care of a tattoo isn’t hard – as long as you know what you can and can’t do.

Free Tattoo Designs

Free Tattoo Designs.Each and every one of us is always on the lookout for great deals and any way to save

If you give it some thought, you may begin to wonder if free tattoo designs are actually worth it in the end.  The fact of them being free is always great, although you may wonder if the design is something you would like to display permanently on your body.  When you show your new tattoo to friends, they may think negative thoughts when you tell them that you got the design free off the Internet.  Each and every time you show your tattoo people will want to know about the message and the design, which you’ll probably need to think about.

All of us are familiar with the old saying “you get what you pay for”, and it’s truly no different in this scenario.  Although there are hundreds and hundreds of websites on the Internet that provide free tattoo designs, few of them are really worth the interest.  Most of the free designs out there on the Internet are very poor quality.  Therefore, it would be in your best interest to wait and have a professional tattoo artist make the design for you.

Application Techniques Of Tattoos

Application Techniques Of TattoosTattoos are more common these days than they have ever been in the past.  As we all

There are several types of tattoo guns available, many of which use a very sharp needle.  There are guns out there that use more than needle, although they aren’t ideal for tattoos that require strict lines or designing.  Single needle tattoo guns are the best for tattoo applications, although the needles need to be changed out after each tattoo.  Tattoo needles can be very dangerous if they aren’t disposed of - possibly leading to serious infection if they are used over and over again without being disinfected or disposed of.

There are also tattoos out there known as “jailhouse tattoos”.  These types of tattoos are normally found in jails and prisons, using homemade material for tattoo guns.  Normally, tattoo artists in jails and prisons will make their own guns, using batteries and needles for ordinary ink pens.  These tattoos aren’t very safe, and normally lead to infection.  The skin is punctured to inject the ink, although with jailhouse tattoo guns the needle will literally pull and jerk at the skin, ripping it and normally going very deep with the ink.